Sadie Jacobson


Pronouns: she/her

$90 / 50-minute session

Intern Therapist

I believe in the power of presence and connection within the therapeutic process. I strive to support people in coming home to themselves, orienting towards their body’s innate wisdom, and bridging the gap between the body and the mind. I see you as the expert of your own life, and I am here to be present and be with you as you move forward towards greater awareness, connection, authenticity, and wholeness.

I support adults and adolescents who are experiencing anxiety, life transitions, depression, trauma and PTSD, grief and loss, aging, chronic pain, and women’s issues. I am dedicated to providing culturally responsive and affirming care. I work with those who are interested in expanding their understanding of their own experiences and exploring how their internal world, relationships, and external environments have influenced who they are and how they show up in the world. 

 In our time together, we will work towards healing, whatever that looks like for you. By seeking support, you have already begun to choose yourself and have moved towards greater healing. I show up in the therapeutic space with warmth, compassion, and a listening ear, here to help orient you towards your felt sense, and encourage you to notice and listen to what is showing up in yourself in the moment. In a culture that is often disembodied and disconnected, we have the capacity to relearn ourselves. It is not easy to sit with how you are feeling, peeling back the layers of who you are, but this work can be transformational and can feel more approachable with a trusted therapist by your side. By shining a light on our inner world, the stories we tell ourselves, the experiences that have shaped us, and our patterns of relating, we can begin to know ourselves more fully. 

My therapeutic orientation is rooted in somatic, relational, and humanistic-based frameworks. This means that in session, we may orient towards the present moment and what is appearing within your body and nervous system. We may also focus on the past and on the ways you have been shaped by relationships, attachment bonds, and experiences from your early development and intergenerational trauma. My style is intentional, client-centered, and body-based, always shifting to meet you where you are in the moment. 

I grew up in Boston, MA in a family of body-based therapists. This early exposure to how we can heal through the body has informed my way of being since I was a child and led me to pursue my own body-based healing and to become a certified yoga teacher. This orientation influences how I show up in the therapeutic space. I came to Seattle for college, and the city has become home. I am currently pursuing a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Antioch University-Seattle. I have always felt best when I am moving my body, in nature, and able to put my feet in the sand. I am most joyous when I am with the people I love, cooking and eating good food, and listening to music. I am so glad you are here and I am excited to walk with you on this path forward!

$90 / 50-minute session