Posts tagged Kids
What to Expect When Your Child Starts Therapy

While it can feel nerve-racking for parents to reach out to a therapist, helping your child participate in therapy is ultimately an act of love and respect. By creating this space for them early in their lives, you are providing them the opportunity to be more successful later on. Knowing what to expect can help you and your child feel more prepared and confident to begin this therapy journey.

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How to Support Your Child When They are Experiencing Anxiety

As a parent, seeing your child struggle with anxiety can be heart-wrenching.  Especially for those of us parents who also experience high anxiety, it can be hard to know who to soothe first!   Anxiety in children can manifest in various ways, such as excessive worry, fear, restlessness, or physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches.

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Rachel LundKids
Resources for Parenting a Kid with Anxiety

When your child is dealing with anxiety, it can feel overwhelming. How can you help them? How can you avoid making it worse? What do they need? Will they be okay? Luckily, there are many resources available to help both you and your child navigate these difficult waters. Here are a number of actionable and accessible ways to support your child's mental health.

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Self SpaceKids
ADHD's Potential Role in Triggering Anxiety and Depression

While ADHD is well-known as a neurodevelopmental disorder diagnosed in childhood, its potential links to anxiety and depression have gotten less cultural airtime. Traditionally, ADHD has been known for inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsively. But anxiety, depression, and ADHD can often be misdiagnosed for each other - and ADHD can sometimes lead to anxiety and depression as well.

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Self SpaceKids
Key Features of Intergenerational Trauma

Intergenerational trauma refers to the transmission of traumatic experiences and their emotional, psychological, and even physical effects from one generation to the next within families or communities. This type of trauma can persist over multiple generations, impacting the well-being of descendants. Here are some of the key features of intergenerational trauma.

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Lily GordonKids, Teens