A Guide to Switching Therapists


Embarking on your therapeutic journey is a courageous step that can be both daunting and liberating. My goal as the Self Space Matching Specialist is to get you connected with a great fit based on your unique experiences, needs, and hopes, and that path is not always straightforward! Sometimes a therapist’s bio will resonate strongly with you, and you’ll know right away that they are someone you’d like to work with. It’s also very normal not to know exactly what you’re looking for, exploring multiple options until you find the right match. Listen to yourself and trust your intuition; if something feels off, it’s okay to keep searching.

Some clients will stay with one therapist for years, even decades! Working with someone who has been with you through so many chapters of life can be such a rewarding experience. It can also be incredibly powerful to work with different therapists at different points in your life. The ability to bring new perspectives and approaches to your therapeutic journey can further your growth, healing, and self-understanding.

It's normal to feel nervous when it comes to changing therapists. You might be worried about hurting your therapist’s feelings or losing the progress you’ve made when starting to work with someone new. Try not to let those concerns keep you from making a change. More than likely, your therapist will be proud of you for recognizing the need for change, and they will be an invaluable resource in helping make your transition as smooth as possible. Be honest and transparent with your current therapist about your decision and they will be able to offer insights and recommendations for your transition. If you want, they can even connect with your new therapist to share records and help get them up to speed so that it doesn’t feel like you are starting from scratch.

Statistics show that no matter what kind of therapy you do, it is most effective if you feel like your therapist really gets you. Moving through life, your needs may change along with you, and that’s okay! If you are considering a switch, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Together we will discuss your experience so far, what worked or didn’t work, and what you are looking for in a new therapist, exploring other options until we find the right fit for where you are now. Change can be a challenging but necessary part of your therapeutic journey, and we are here to help chart your unique path towards healing and self-discovery.

If you are interested in finding a therapist or switching therapists, contact Emma Gorder, our Matching Specialist. Our Therapist Matching System system was designed by our team to make the process of starting therapy as easy as possible. Emma can help match you with the Self Space therapist best suited to your needs.

Emma Gorder, Self Space Matching Therapist, works with clients to help them find a therapist who will be a great fit. Emma has experience in both the Psychology and the human services worlds, and believes that each of us deserves to have a place where we can show up exactly as we are, without fear of judgment and where we are received with unconditional acceptance, kindness, and curiosity. It is her hope that by helping connect you with the right therapist, you will find this kind of supportive space.

Emma Gorder